Thursday, December 8, 2016


Kole Klimuk

On Oct 14 Zack gave us all lesson plans in our notebooks for ethos, pathos, logos. We started going over these in class but I wasn't exactly sure what they were even supposed to mean, after he tried to explain to us what they meant. So I decided on going back to look in my copybook, papers, and google to come and find the writing on Oct 14. This class lesson was based on doubting and disagreeing. She began off saying "Mark was a low life criminal" and the doubting part "But what is it wasn't him what if they mistaken him?" 

Whats the main argument? Claims and evidence that guy "Mark Smith was found dead"? Yea in the writing that's some evidence because "she" says he was a low life criminal and he was found stabbed to death. 
What does ethos, pathos, logos have to do with some guy getting stabbed to death? Well in this situation she shows ethos by her credibility by knowing that Mark was a low life criminal.She made us understand that just because he's a criminal doesn't mean that someone would've killed him, she is actually making the argument it was a mistake and that's her Logical thinking. She doesn't have pathos really but if she did she would be trying to make the reader look smart.

After learning about these 3 parts of writing I sort of forgot about what they meant but I feel like I understand them again..

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