Wednesday, October 12, 2016


                                                          Tragedy Article About Death
kole klimuk                                                                                             Oct 11, 2016

The 3 genres I chose are all tragedy articles about the death of someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Well that's a little part of this genre each one of these stories involves some type of accident that happened or something that some one did to cause this incident.

For the first article its about a girl who was dropping her sister and brother off to the dentists. Then she left to go the park to write in her book. After she got to the park she began to write and some how, some way this "Tragedy" that happened to her was it caused her death. The cause of death was by a lighting strike. Each article shows remorse for the person that dies, such as her parents and family was very upset.

Now the second article is about a woman and a man who were getting married. They were heading back to their hometown house from Georgia to get married. After they started driving back to Georgia there was a rainstorm and the car lost control and hit a concrete wall. The woman died but the man lived. Redman was the basketball coach for Dalton State University. People were very sad that she died on her wedding weekend.

Finally the last article is Murder theres not much to compare but they are still alike its just a more extreme tragedy. Take a look at the first 2 articles they happened by accident. Now we get a little more deeper into the genre.

In this article a mother and daughter were murdered in their sleep. This wasn't on accident though this was done on purpose. They were both killed by an axe and multiple stab wounds. They were cut up everywhere on the face and brutalized almost like torture. The neighbors were very alert and in shock about what had happened.

All these stories are related in some way such as
- names
-cause of death


  1. Yo Kole,

    Solid work here, brother! You analyzed a specific type of writing, news articles, about the same issue—someone’s tragic death.

    You mentioned some of the common surface-level features of this unique genre, namely (1) the cause of death, (2) the remorse of family members, (3) whether there were survivors, and (4) setting. Now this is a great start, but I now want you to dig even deeper. What sorts of details/facts did they bring up about the deceased? (I.e., they were married, they worked at Company X, etc.) Did the writers include interview/quotes from family members? Did they have testimonials from witnesses? Did they mention anything about other, similar tragedies in the region that happened recently? Did the writers go into vivid detail about how people died and include gruesome adjectives? (I’m going to guess probably not, so then ask yourself: Why? Why would they choose to NOT include that kind of information?)

    Also, instead of telling me that “X said this, Y said that,” I want you to take a step back and explain to me how they are similar, different, to what effect (what makes one “better” or more effective than another), and why.

    I want to be clear, though: nice start.

    In ENG 101-108, I’m trying to train you to become super-observant so that you can get down to the nittiest of details and adhere (if that’s what you want to do) to the audience’s expectations for all the different genres that you’ll write here on out. By gaining a deeper and more critical reading awareness, you’ll be able to adopt/adapt writer’s choices (their writing) into your own writing.


  2. Hi, I couldn't understand what was talking about. you have to gave me some clarities.
