Friday, October 21, 2016


Kole Klimuk                                                                                                                 Oct 18, 2016
Medical Marijuana 

My genre is based off of medicinal marijuana. As you can tell each website is going to involve some type of marijuana. These websites have many more genres and conventions some of us can't even visualize yet. First off I can point out that each site has pictures that point to a certain type of topic such as how governors in utah who are trying to pass the law in his state and a diverse coalition of community leaders and lawmakers are trying to legalize marijuana in Utah and San Francisco, By passing this act each person in the named states can own up to 6 marijuana plants but the legal age is 21. Now on and the other 2 sites you can realize that there is science and experiments still being done to make different ways to get the full effect of the marijuana. There's more science behind these buds, and it give us more information about the different strains, and how the effect how we feel. Scientist have proven that Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannbinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CDB) helps people with arthritis through-out their day. Sativas can be known as uppers because these type of strains make us more energetic and motivated while indica strains make you more sleepy and tired. Also there are facts on how the plants grow differently, people discovered this largely as one of the etymology and origin. You can find calender's that give you special events for certain dates that includes cannabis.  
Image result for indica and sativa  
Now if you take a look at the picture to the right those are to different plants but they are still the same "genre'
because they belong to the same group.

When we take our time to look at how we picture what we are reading we will become better writers over time and our skills will get better, But take this as an example the name is the genre now the leafs and the buds are all different conventions. Finally once we found all the leafs and buds(conventions) we can make one plant that all on one stem The Final Story.

thlog #1

Today I was thinking.... Where would we really be if the government was never created? What if God made us live as Moses once had to when he gathered as many as he could of 2 of each animal. Now you're probably wondering why, this is because God was very upset with the people. What if God was so mad at the people in the world now and cast his anger upon us. In my perspective I think people would go crazy and kill each other because of how people speculate life. When you look at life what do you really see? I can see that we all have some type of purpose but eventually our purpose comes to an end. Life is actually a big cycle that has short cuts, or hard ways which means you can take the easy way and lives an average life style or goes through with the hard ways and live lavished.

When coming up from nothing there are not any handouts. People need to work hard to achieve the goals they want to reach in life. We all want to get somewhere but do we really strive and stretch limits to reach them goals? I know I sure as hell try to get shit done because I know whats going to come out from it. What you do in your lifetime all depends on you and mainly how you do in school.
Being in this Gateway to College program is making me excel a lot faster and teaching me new ideas everyday.

Finally to achieve your goals you must have faith and be strong through the struggle. You're gonna have your ups and downs but eventually everything will turn out fine. People build up from nothing because they went to school and got an education, and education is key in this world. So go to school and be smart.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


                                                          Tragedy Article About Death
kole klimuk                                                                                             Oct 11, 2016

The 3 genres I chose are all tragedy articles about the death of someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Well that's a little part of this genre each one of these stories involves some type of accident that happened or something that some one did to cause this incident.

For the first article its about a girl who was dropping her sister and brother off to the dentists. Then she left to go the park to write in her book. After she got to the park she began to write and some how, some way this "Tragedy" that happened to her was it caused her death. The cause of death was by a lighting strike. Each article shows remorse for the person that dies, such as her parents and family was very upset.

Now the second article is about a woman and a man who were getting married. They were heading back to their hometown house from Georgia to get married. After they started driving back to Georgia there was a rainstorm and the car lost control and hit a concrete wall. The woman died but the man lived. Redman was the basketball coach for Dalton State University. People were very sad that she died on her wedding weekend.

Finally the last article is Murder theres not much to compare but they are still alike its just a more extreme tragedy. Take a look at the first 2 articles they happened by accident. Now we get a little more deeper into the genre.

In this article a mother and daughter were murdered in their sleep. This wasn't on accident though this was done on purpose. They were both killed by an axe and multiple stab wounds. They were cut up everywhere on the face and brutalized almost like torture. The neighbors were very alert and in shock about what had happened.

All these stories are related in some way such as
- names
-cause of death